Monday, October 27, 2014

Never fast enough

I had really been praying for God to open up a way for us to share about our adoption.  I have even signed up to be a storyteller for other orphans with our agency.  The idea is that we share the story of these kids and help them find families. My husband and I can only adopt so many kids but our dream is to set off a domino effect of other couples looking to adopt.

Before I could barely say "amen", God has been answering my heart's cry.  He enabled me to represent our agency at ShowHope at a local Casting Crowns concert last Saturday.  I got to tell our story thus far of our adoption to couples interested in learning about adoption. I passed out information, showed off Liam's picture and prayed and cried with people.  He also had my husband's lifegroup ask him to tell our story this morning!

At the booth with me on Saturday, I was working with one of the ladies from our agency who helped process our home study.  The first thing she said to me was, "Your adoption is going so fast!!" to which I promptly burst into tears.  She's right.  If things keep going how they are, our adoption will be about the length of a pregnancy, but try to tell a pregnant lady that those months are flying by.  Also, imagine one of your kids was in China in less than optimal conditions and you couldn't see them for 9-12 months.  That is how my heart feels.  Every day that goes by is a day further away from the last day I held Liam. He's growing older, changing and I'm not there to see it.  He's probably lost more teeth and gotten taller.  No matter how fast we go it will never be fast enough.  

So we press on.  Last week we got our fingerprint letter with Immigration and Naturalization and it set our appointment for early November.  We went in to try to get it done more quickly and it worked! Now we are just waiting for approval.

We are also so grateful for the donations.  We have already brought in over $3200 in the first 3 weeks of our online giving campaign.  Thank you all so much.  You are part of Liam's story.  Thank you for every prayer because things are going so quickly. But for this mom's heart, it can never be fast enough so keep praying!

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